Donatella Marinello was born in Desio on 29/10/ 1959.

She is a nurse, music-therapist, and operator of Pet-therapy. She tooked a training at Brera Academy teacher with Professor Balleri, aimed to improve her innate and acquired artistic abilities. The training was about developing techniques of pencil, pastel, charcoal and acrylic drawing and oil painting. Donatella’s paintings have been shown in several group exhibitions of paintings. She has been included in the international catalogue “Mille artisti a Palazzo”, representing the international art scenario in the first decade of the third millenium.

Donatella has a very open and creative personality that deeply infuses her impressionistic and figurative-type paintings. Predominant aspects in Donatella’s artistic oeuvres are mainly animals and landscapes where colour light and energy become expression of her love for nature.